As a runner and with most things in life when I do something I go all in and have a routine that I don’t like to change. I think that most runners feel the same way and that taking an unscheduled rest day can feel like a punishment. I didn’t do that a lot in …
Tag Archives: foundational training
Exercises to Build Strong Hips
Everyone, especially runners, can benefit from hip conditioning, even if you don’t currently have any hip concerns. Stretching and strengthening the muscles in this area helps build stability and flexibility so you can move with ease and avoid injury. Weak hip muscles are common and made worse by the sitting that so many of us …
Why Running Can Make You Strong
People who already participate in other forms of exercise often ask “What can running do for me? Running is one of the most natural and pure systems for developing balance in your body. There are also a host of other benefits that running can bring to your body and mind, including physical fitness, mood enhancing, …
How Fast Should Your Easy Runs Be?
Logically, it would make sense that pushing your easy run pace as close to race pace as possible would help you get fitter quicker and ultimately run faster. You might think that the harder you work the better you get, right? Yet, most good coaches will tell you to run slow on your easy days and your easy running cadence should be the same as your other runs.
Base Training Fundamentals
Base training (also called the introductory or foundational training period) is the first phase of a training cycle. It’s what prepares runners for the more intense, race-specific workouts that come later.