Four Treadmill Workouts for Runners

Four Treadmill Workouts for Runners

In honor of the blistering cold, piles of snow, blistering heat, or pandemic restrictions that become the bane of runners, here are four treadmill workouts to help you continue to improve.
Since I hate running on the treadmill, I run outside whenever possible now – through heat, cold, rain, and more rain. I need to run outside whenever possible. But common sense prevents me from running outside in certain conditions, especially winter conditions or extreme summer weather.
What kept treadmill running from becoming mind-numbingly monotonous were fun treadmill workouts such as these: runs that constantly changed the pace and incline on the treadmill, so that I used different muscles and was mentally engaged in the run.  These 4 treadmill workouts for runners will provide you with a wide variety of fun and challenging workouts, so you don’t have to dread the treadmill when nature forces you to stay inside this winter.
My treadmill workouts lasts about an hour, so you will cover anywhere from 4-7 miles, depending on your pace.  Always warm up and cool down first as they workouts are intended to stress your fitness and make you a better runner.

Treadmill Fartlek Run

Fartlek is a Swedish word and roughly translated means ‘speed play’. Fartlek training involves varying the intensity or speed of your run to improve your fitness and endurance.  This can be done on a track, the road, or in this case on the treadmill.

  • Set incline to 1%
  • Warm Up,  10 minutes easy running
  • Main Workout
    • Repeat 2 times – (2 minutes hard, 1 minute easy)
    • Repeat 5 times – (4 minutes hard, 2 minute easy)
    • Repeat 2 times – (2 minutes hard, 1 minute easy)
  • Cool Down, 8 minutes easy running

This gives you a total of 60 minutes running time on the treadmill.  If you have more time, simply increase the number of repeats in one or more of the main workout.

Treadmill Hill Workout

This workout will simulate hill training on an increasingly steep hill.  Finding the right terrain for this can be difficult so executing it on a treadmill is ideal.  Be careful when adjusting the incline while running, as this can be a challenge to balance while looking at the treadmill controls.

  • Set incline to 1%
  • Warm Up, 10 minutes easy running
  • Main Workout
    • 2 minutes at 2% incline
    • 2 minutes at 4% incline
    • 2 minutes at 6% incline
    • 2 minutes at 8% incline
    • 2 minutes at 10% incline
    • 2 minutes at 12% incline
    • 2 minutes at 10% incline
    • 2 minutes at 8% incline
    • 2 minutes at 6% incline
    • 2 minutes at 4% incline
    • 2 minutes at 2% incline
  • Cool Down, 10 minutes easy running at 0% incline

This gives you a total of 42 minutes running time on the treadmill.  This is shorter than some of the other workouts but it is tough and will help you to build strength.

Treadmill Interval Workout

This workout will simulate interval training that would typically be done on a track but without the breaks normally included.  Instead of stopping and starting the treadmill you will run slowly during the intervals.
Paces in this workout are based on a current 5K time. An estimate of the correct interval pace would be to take your average pace per mile in the race and subtract 33 seconds.  For your recovery pace, add 45 seconds to your average.  To be sure you are attempting the correct pace for your current fitness, consult with your coach.
For example, if your most recent 5K was a time of 25 minutes, your interval pace would be 7:31 or 8 miles per hour.  Your recovery pace would be 8:48 or 6.8 miles per hour

  • Set incline to 1%
  • Warm Up, 10 minutes easy running
  • Main Workout
    • 0.25 miles at your interval pace
    • 0.25 miles at your recovery pace
    • 0.5 miles at your interval pace
    • 0.5 miles at your recovery pace
    • 0.75 miles at your interval pace
    • 0.75 miles at your recovery pace
    • 0.25 miles at your interval pace
    • 0.25 miles at your recovery pace
  • Cool Down, 10 minutes easy running

This gives you a total of around 45 minutes running time on the treadmill depending on your current paces.  Until you become accustomed to speedwork, only do this workout once per week

Treadmill Hill Repeat Workout

This workout will combine a hill workout with interval training.  Typically hill repeats consist of running hard up a hill and then walking or running easy back down.  We will accomplish that by changing the incline of the treadmill.

  • Set incline to 1%
  • Warm Up, 10 minutes easy running
  • Main Workout
    • Repeat 3 times (0.25 miles at 6% incline, 0.25 miles at 0% incline)
    • Repeat 3 times (0.25 miles at 8% incline, 0.25 miles at 0% incline)
    • Repeat 3 times (0.25 miles at 10% incline, 0.25 miles at 0% incline)
  • Cool Down, 10 minutes easy running

As you become more experienced at this workout, you can increase your pace on the uphill portion to continue building your running strength


These four workouts will add some variety to your often boring time on the treadmill when you cannot run outdoors.  As these require adjustments to the treadmill, make sure that you are familiar with the controls before you start and always pay attention when making adjustments.  For more information on treadmill workout be sure to consult with your coach.